Shipping & Delivery
Most of our products are in stock. They ship within 3 working days and are thoroughly checked before shipping. However, in some cases, it may take longer depending on the product. Goods once sold cannot be returned or exchanged. We ship through leading courier services and you can track your order online after it is shipped. In an unlikely event where we are unable to deliver any item you have ordered, you will not be charged and a full refund will be initiated. In case of broken or missing parts, please inform us within 24 hours of delivery for further actions. We will be arranging a replacement promptly. Please note there may be instances where product color may vary slightly due to photographic effect or your monitor settings.
Return Policy
*NO EXCHANGE OR RETURN* Returns and exchange will only be acceptable if your order is damaged in transit or you have received an incorrect product. Please inform us within 24 hours of the delivery of your shipment. The packaging should be in their original packing when returned. Return pick up facility is not available so please courier us back. After inspecting the items we will replace the piece for you. In case no similar piece is available, refund on the purchase is initiated. Please do not courier without informing us. All returns/replacements is subject to the discretion of The Lamphouse. Replacement sent will be free of charge.
Refund Policy
After receiving the returned products and thorough inspection is done, we send you a replacement or issue you a refund. No cash refunds but your account is credited with the same amount within 10 days of recieving the product.
Cancellation Policy
Please submit any kind of cancellation within 24 hours of placing the order on our mobile number 9650312601 or our email address with your order number and product name. Refund against any cancellation will proceed within 7 working days. Unfortunately, we cannot cancel orders once the shipment is out of delivery.